Labour Market GroupIf you are looking for work and want to know where the positions are you may want to go to

Executive Director Stacie Fiddler says they will have a job vacancy study on line and will be updated at the beginning of every month.

She says it’s an indication of what areas have jobs.

For example, 40 per cent of the jobs available in July in the Nipissing and Parry Sound Districts are within sales and service occupations and 22 per cent of the positions are under business, finance and administration.

Fiddler also points out that in July there were 418 jobs posted in the Nipissing District.

Of Those, 29.7 per cent were in administrative and support, 17.5 per cent in retail trade and 11.5 per cent on health care and social assistance.

Meantime, She says they are just one resource for the job hunter to go to.

Fiddler says for specific job information contact their office and they’ll let you know where the job posting came from.