Smile CookiesThe local Tim Hortons stores are helping the North Bay Food Bank out again this year through their Smile Cookie campaign.

They’ve announced all the cash from the campaign this week will support the food bank and its programs.

Last year, they did the same and $26,000 was raised for the food bank.

Manager Amber Livingstone can’t thank the local stores and the community enough for getting behind the organization.

She says the money will come to the food bank at an important time, as donations are down in terms of food and financial support.

As for food donations this month they are in need of juice boxes, peanut butter and peanut free snacks.

Livingstone says last year 6,800 hampers were handed out. She says they serve over 1300 clients every month and over 25 per cent of last year’s clients were 17 and under. The cost of each cookie is a dollar.