Yukla 27 Ceremony(Photo credit: Corporal Robert Ouellette, 22 Wing Imagery Technician) Recently, there was a commemoration ceremony at CFB North Bay.

The acting commander of 22 Wing and the commander of 21 Aerospace Control and Warning Squadron presided over the ceremony which recognized the aircrew of the Airborne Warning System or AWACS Yukla 27 who perished while on a NORAD training mission in Alaska 20 years ago.

22 Wing members stood by the YUKLA 27 Monument which was unveiled 5 years ago at the David L Pitcher Building.

Sgt. Pitcher was one of the 2 RCAF members and 22 Americans who perished.

Pitcher was an aerospace control operator who served at 22 Wing.


Photo credit:  Corporal Robert Ouellette, 22 Wing Imagery Technician
Photo credit: Corporal Robert Ouellette, 22 Wing Imagery Technician