Crime Prevent week

North Bay Police are joining with Police Services across Ontario this week to support Crime Prevention Week, which runs until November 7th.

Corporate Communications Coordinator Marie Lugli says the theme is “Working Together to Improve Community Safety and Well-Being — A Shared Commitment in Ontario.”

Police say crime prevention is a shared responsibility and to that end they’re involved in a number of partnerships.

Lugli says one program they’re involved with is a partnership with physicians and pharmacists along with the North Bay Drug Strategy Committee called Patch4Patch which tackles Fentanyl abuse.

They’re also involved in the Gateway Hub and Mobile Crisis Team, which involve groups coming together to help people get the assistance needed before a crime is committed or their situation escalates to a crisis situation.

Lugli says the North Bay Police Service is also a member of the Domestic Violence Community Coordinating Committee of Nipissing, which was formed to address, assess and prevent domestic violence in the community.

They’re also an active participant in Niigan Mosewak, a free week-long leadership camp, held twice per summer, for Indigenous youth from the North Bay area.


Public safety resources

There are a number of resources available to parents, caregivers, teachers, students and property owners who are interested in taking a proactive approach to their own personal safety and well-being.

Protect your property. Protect yourself – This OACP-produced brochure is available for pick-up at North Bay Police headquarters, 135 Princess Street West. (It’s also available online at

An Action Plan to Stop Sexual Violence and Harassment – Produced in March 2015 by the Ontario government, this document raises public awareness about sexual violence and harassment by illustrating the stats and looking at the problems and by providing solutions for safer homes, campuses and workplaces. For more information, visit

The Little Blackbook of Scams – Produced by the Government of Canada in 2012, this free online document looks at everything from dating and romance scams to pyramid schemes and lottery frauds. (Visit under “publications.”)

The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre is an excellent online resource for safety tips and news of known scams, pitches and frauds.

Parenting Tweens and Teens in the Digital World: Online Luring. What Every Parent Needs to Know – The Canadian Centre for Child Protection ( offers excellent educational resources, such as this brochure. Parents and guardians are encouraged to sign up to receive alerts on technology trends and new resources designed to increase children’s and teens’ personal safety. Visit for details.

Drugs & Addiction Magazine is a cutting-edge publication written for young people. It discusses the effects of alcohol and drug use and addresses contemporary trends in youth substance use. Visit for details.

About Crime Prevention Week (Twitter #CrimePrevention15)

Crime Prevention Week is organized by the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services together with the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police. Its goal is to promote personal and public safety through prevention, preparedness and social development. It’s also an opportunity for police services to highlight partnerships with their communities that improve safety and prevent crime.