remembranceday210x155With Remembrance Day coming up on November 11th, Discovery North Bay Museum will have plenty of tours and exhibits set up tomorrow for guests who wish to find out more about the First and Second World War.

Local uniforms that were used in World War I & II, weapons, diaries and much more will be on display.

Volunteers at the event will also help visitors conduct research on family’s members who served in the war. 


Naomi Rupke is the Museum Director and she says veterans from the local area will be remembered at the event.

“We actually have on display, North Bay’s Honor roll,” said Rupke

“It lists all the people that served over seas and there are actually little crosses beside all the people who died overseas as well. So it’s a great chance to get a perspective on how many people did serve and what they contributed.”

The tours run from 10am – 3pm tomorrow and November 11th from 1pm – 4pm.