IMG_1049[1]Literacy Nipissing will benefit from sales of a Christmas book.

It’s called Santa Lost His Suit and it’s written by Dennis Chippa.

He says he’s been reading a poem at Haleyfest for a couple of years called Santa Lost His Suit and once the book has been published funds will support the programming that Literacy Nipissing provides.

Literacy Nipissing helps adults in the community develop skills in a number of areas including reading, writing, math and computer skills.

He says the official launch will be Friday at the Davedi Club and the original art work authored by Widdifield Secondary School students will be auctioned off.

Vandra McQuarrie is the executive director of Literacy Nipissing.

She says she was blown away by the talent of the young artists.

Five students were the artists for the book including Bethany Davis, Abhishek Ambekar, Lilah Murray, Tessa Pizzale and Jacob Belanger.
