Back row L to R Board Members Normand Roberge, Board Member Barry Bertrand, Board Chair Steve Morrison, Board Member Guilles Tessier, Mr. Naveed Anwar, Retired Sergeant Norm Gingras Front row L to R Retired Sergeant Jerome Leblanc, Jean Pepin, Constable Pierre Mantha, Emanuelle Monderie, Diane Lagace, and Guy Cantin
Back row L to R
Board Members Normand Roberge, Board Member Barry Bertrand, Board Chair Steve Morrison, Board Member Guilles Tessier, Mr. Naveed Anwar, Retired Sergeant Norm Gingras
Front row L to R
Retired Sergeant Jerome Leblanc, Jean Pepin, Constable Pierre Mantha, Emanuelle Monderie, Diane Lagace, and Guy Cantin

(SUBMITTED) The West Nipissing Police Services Board held an Awards and Recognition ceremony Thursday night.

Honorees included retired officers, citizens, a current officer, members of the Service who recently left along with a retiring Board Secretary and Board member who has now completed his eight years of appointment by the Province.

Details of each presentation are as follows:

Sgt Jerome Leblanc

Retired Sergeant Jerome Leblanc began his policing career as a member of the Ontario Provincial Police in May of 1977.  He joined the Sturgeon Falls Police in January of 1980.  Throughout the years where Jerome worked for the Sturgeon Police and West Nipissing Police Service, he acquired a number of areas of expertise including forensic identification, community services officer, and rounding up cattle as was evident by the straw and odor in the police car.

He displayed his leadership and commitment to the community in his many roles as a constable and later as a sergeant.  His practical skills as an outdoorsman provided him with a solid foundation in becoming an outstanding marine operator and imparting his knowledge in disciplines like ground search and rescue onto others.

He was awarded his twenty-year Police Exemplary Service Medal in 2003.  Jerome retired on January 23rd 2010, having given thirty years to the community.  He continues to be a valuable contributor to the lives of many people in West Nipissing.

Sgt Norm Gingras

Retired Sergeant Norm Gingras began his policing career as a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in May 1979 as a Special Constable.  He was posted to a surveillance unit of the RCMP Security Service.  In August of 1981, he attended a nine week Special Constable’s Course at Depot Division in Regina then realized that he would like to further his career as a regular member of the Service.  In September of 1982, he returned to Depot for a fourteen week course to complete his recruit training and was then posted to St Pierre Jolys Manitoba.

In October 1986, he took advantage of an opening with the Sturgeon Falls Police and applied.  He was sworn in as a constable with the Sturgeon Falls Police on December 13th 1986. He received his twenty year Police Exemplary Service Award in 2003.  Throughout his years as a police officer for Sturgeon Falls and then West Nipissing, he was known for his many qualities:  teamwork, leadership, dedication, attention to detail, commitment to people, and most of all, his drive to successfully complete an investigation.

Norm is highly respected by his peers and all those who worked alongside him including community partners and members of the judiciary.  He gave his community his youth and many important years of his adult life, suffered through a number of work-related injuries, and continued to make a positive contribution to the organization until his official retirement on December 20th 2012.

Both Sergeant Leblanc and Gingras were recognized at the time of their retirement however the Board has recently opted to provide retired members with a retirement wallet badge which was presented to each on this occasion.

Mr. Naveed ANWAR

Mr. Naveed ANWAR, owner of the Dollar Bazaar, dealt with a contentious situation involving two customers and the potential theft of cash from a wallet and was able to secure the return of the cash to the rightful owner.  Mr. ANWAR noticed that a customer had left a wallet at the cash register.  He took the wallet to the person that he believed had left it and located that person outside the store, handed that individual the wallet and believed the matter was over.

Unbeknownst to him, he gave the wallet to the wrong person.  When the true owner advised him that she had left her wallet behind, he took steps to secure the return of the wallet.  Having done so, he gave It to the true owner and at that point it was noticed that there was a sum of cash missing from the wallet.  Mr. ANWAR then took the steps to again track down the other party and secure the return of the cash.  All of this was done without contacting police.

The victim in all of this is extremely grateful to him for his quick actions and going above and beyond.  She is with us this evening and I would invite Lisa Hutchinson to come forward and assist our Board Chair in making this presentation.

Mr.  Naveed ANWAR is the recipient of a Police Services Board letter of Recognition.


Jean Pepin

Jean is a retired member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police who, because of excellent fishing in the area, decided to come to West Nipissing with his lovely wife to spend their retirement in our community in 2009.  However, we were able to get several excellent years out of him as a part time Special Constable from 2010 to 2015.

His years as a police officer were an asset to the organization as he diligently and quietly carried out his duties.  He was not shy about telling us about a new fishing hole he had discovered.  Jean decided to take fishing more seriously and, after five years of dedicated service to the West Nipissing Police Service, has moved on more speckled things in life.

Jean we thank you for time with us and miss you calm and charming demeanour.  Good fishing in the future.  Jean is being presented a Certificate of Service by the Board Chair.

Emanuelle Monderie

Emma joined the West Nipissing Police Service in 2010 as a part time dispatcher and provided outstanding service to us until the fall of this year where she chose to move on to other priorities.  Emma quickly demonstrated her confidence and work ethic in learning a very difficult job in very short order.  She is regarded as an excellent dispatcher and trusted by the officers on the road.

Her calm manner and diplomacy have been observed on numerous occasions when dealing with critical calls or difficult callers.  Emma is being presented a Certificate of Service by the Board Chair.

Constable Pierre Mantha

In 2012, Constable Pierre Mantha began a three year commitment to the West Nipissing Suicide Prevention Task Force.  As he had chosen to move on to other challenges, the group forwarded correspondence to Inspector St Pierre regarding Pierre’s contribution to the work of the Task Force.  Reading from that letter:

Detective Constable Mantha used his knowledge and experiences to provide training to local mental health professionals as well as to the general public.  Pierre was instrumental in the development of a suicide prevention strategy for West Nipissing as instrumental in the planning, development and roll out of several suicide prevention awareness days.  His compassion towards suicide survivors and people suffering through mental health issues has been phenomenal.  The strength and courage he has shown by sharing his own stories and experiences around suicide and mental health to help other is outstanding.

The accolades continue.  I am very pleased to invite Pierre forward to receive an Inspector’s Letter of Recognition from Inspector Ray St Pierre.

Diane Lagace

Diane answered the call to service in 2011 when the position of Board Secretary became available.  Since that time, she has demonstrated a level of expertise and efficiency that is second to none.  Her attention to detail, organizational skills and commitment to the job are unsurpassed.  She will be greatly missed and we wish her well in her next adventure.  The Board and in turn the community have greatly benefited from her contribution over the past five years.

I am very pleased to invite Diane forward to receive a Certificate of Service from the Board Chair with the thanks of Board Members both past and present.


Guy Cantin

Mr. Guy Cantin has been a Provincial Appointee to the Board since 2007 and now completes the maximum eight years of his appointment.  Guy has served on the Board with distinction as a member and as Board Chair.  His calm and quiet demeanour mask a thinking man who, when he expresses himself, provides information that has been deeply reflected upon and provides insight.

Guy was instrumental as a Board member and member of the Club Richelieu in cementing the DARE program in our community.  He has continued his work behind the scenes, boiling up lobster every June for the annual fundraising event.

It is my distinct honour and pleasure to invite Guy forward to receive a small token of our appreciation for his years of dedicated service with the West Nipissing Police Services Board.