jan shulman deadliftsMeet our new hero! The North Bay Valhalla Powerlifting squad competed at the Ontario Powerlifting Provincial Finals in Ottawa on the weekend and 70 year-old Jan Schulman came out on top. In Saturday’s three lift contest, Jan Schulman was the champion in the female Masters 4 category, 52 kilo division. Shulman squatted 55 kilos, bench pressed 40 kilos, and deadlifted 80 kilos for a 175 kilo total. All her individual lifts, and her total, are new provincial and national records in her age category and weight class. Local lifters Jennifer McConnell and Ron Dillig also came away with gold medals. Valhalla athletes Schulman, McConnell, Dillig and Scott Schulman have all met the standards to lift at the Canadian Powerlifting Union’s 2016 National finals to be held in Regina, Saskatchewan from February 15th to the 20th.