Heritage GardenersIt’s Giving Tuesday, a day where people support causes or organizations they believe in.

Monica McLaren is the coordinator of the North Bay Heritage Gardeners.

She says they are always in need of volunteers to help beautify the waterfront and next year will be no different.

McLaren says they are always in need of volunteers as they beautify 50 gardens every year

She says gardening keeps you in shape and volunteering for the Heritage Gardeners is a great way to meet people.

McLaren says they will also be holding an open house from 10-7 Tuesday at their Oak Street location.

Hospital FoundationMeantime, the North Bay Regional Health Centre Foundation is decorating a tree at the hospital. That’s their latest fundraising initiative.

Development officer Kendra Clarke says they want people to bring their decorations with a story of the significance the decoration holds and why it’s so important to them.

Clarke says they will have updates on how things are going on Giving Tuesday on their web site, their Facebook page and Twitter.

She says you can also sign up to be a fundraiser and let them know how much you plan to raise.