patch4patchA private members bill by Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli could receive final reading at Queens Park today (Monday).

His Patch4Patch bill is aimed at curbing Fentanyl abuse and essentially if passed would require people to return a patch to get a patch.

Fedeli says the initiative started in North Bay and he’s glad to see this bill progress through provincial Parliament, having already received 2nd reading approval.

Hei says there will be a debate today followed by the vote and he’s looking for all party support.

Fedeli says 15 people died of Fentanyl abuse in North Bay over a six year period before Patch 4Patch was initiated.

There haven’t been any deaths since.

He says if passed this is a victory for the province, but also for the group of people who started a Patch4Patch program locally, and that’s members of the North Bay and Area Drug Strategy Committee and North Bay Police Service.