battalion280x1602The North Bay Battalion will be looking to even up the season series with Sault Ste. Marie tonight.

The Greyhounds are in town and hold a 2-1 series lead over the Troops this year.

In fact, the last time North Bay lost in regulation was January 14th, at home to the Greyhounds.

In that span North Bay is has points in all 7 games and Captain Mike Amadio has 11 points, including 5 goals.

Battalion Head Coach Stan Butler says now they expect production out of players in secondary roles.

He says the compete level keeps elevating for his team as well.

Butler says “I think we’re moving in the right direction, I think our guys are realizing you have to bring it every game.”

Catch tonight’s game on Country 600 CKAT, broadcast time is 6:35pm.