Adam Takes Plunge 210x155A number of local personalities including North Bay Police Chief Shawn Devine and Country 600 CKAT announcer Adam Contant will be taking part in the Polar Plunge a fundraiser for Special Olympics Ontario.

Involved as well is a team from 22 Wing and the Nipissing University Men’s Volleyball squad.

The event goes Sunday at 2 at the Waterfront Marina and into Lake Nipissing.

Sunday’s weather forecast calls for sunny skies and a high of minus 1.. 

Adam says it’ll feel a lot colder once he plunges into the lake.

He jokes he might be like an ice block when all is said and done.

Adam says he’s always been supportive of Special Olympics athletes once he saw them compete and this is a great way to help them and their families. 

His fundraising goal was originally a Thousand Dollars and that was already reached thanks to a breakfast event last Saturday at Burger World on Algonquin.

The event on Sunday is being presented by North Bay Police.