DeGagne order of CanadaThe Governor General David Johnston is coming to North Bay. 

(pictured with Dr Mike Degagne when the Nipissing president received the Order of Ontario)

He will be here on Thursday as part of a three day trip through Northwestern and Northern Ontario.

He begins his day here at 8:15 in the morning at 22 Wing and get a tour of the facilities.

From there he will take part in a panel discussion at Nipissing University on aboriginal reconciliation.   

In the afternoon, the Governor General and Mrs Johnston will visit Heritage Public School and learn about the school’s anti bullying program. 

Later the Governor General will meet with regional mayors and First Nations Chiefs at city hall.  

The couple will then attend a dinner hosted by the city and service clubs.

As well the Governor General will award Caring Canadian recipients including Glen Sharpe of Nipissing University

Mrs Johnston will visit One Kids Place, the Indian Friendship Centre.and the North Bay Regional Health Centre as well
