City Council has made it official that World’s Finest Shows has exclusivity to vending services for next week’s Midway at Lee Park.

Setup starts Monday with the midway open from Thursday-Sunday.

There is some debate within city council whether local vendors should have the right to sell in and around the grounds too.

One reason World’s Finest Shows gets exclusivity is a percentage of the funds raised go to Summer In The Park.

Councillor Derek Shogren says it’s a substantial amount.

He says the annual amount is between 10 and $17,000 and there’s also funds donated by World’s Finest Shows at Summer In The Park.

Councillor Mike Anthony says he voted against the motion because he wonders why the city should say no to a company that could normally set up in these boundaries around the park.

There are no reports of anyone wanting to set up in that area.

The Midway’s exclusive area is defined as Lee Park, on Memorial Drive from Stanley to Judge, Judge from Leask to Lee, Lakeshore Drive and Lee Park to 100 meters past Judge.

Filed under: derek-shogren, lee-park, midway, mike-anthony, summer-in-the-park, worlds-finest-shows