There was a mock emergency exercise at the Jack Garland Airport on Wednesday.

Airport Manager Jack Santerre says the event involved a plane that had to make an emergency landing and went off the runway.

“23 soles on board, 4 or 5 critically injured and the remaining were passengers who had to be brought back to the terminal and processed,” he says.

Fire, police, ambulance, the hospital, the city, airport and 3 airlines were all involved in the mock scenario.

Santerre says the idea is to learn what they do well and what they can improve on.

He says everyone knew in advance what was going on but that helps in planning.

“There’s a longer training process. The training process is much more valuable. And at the end of the day, the procedures you have put in place are much more effective and stay with the individuals who have participated,” he adds.

(Photos submitted)



Filed under: jack-garland-airport, mock-scenario