We now know the name of the stores that will be selling weed to Ontario recreational smokers this year. drum roll please…


According to a news release put out by the LCBO

“The “Ontario Cannabis Store” will be the brand name of Ontario’s cannabis agency, including its stores and online channel.

The name is designed to convey a safe, simple and approachable environment for consumers, and agency employees, in a clear and easily understood manner.”

Another interesting point released is that Shopify will be handling all online and in store sales for The Cannabis Store.

This means you could potentially order and receive your weed through the mail sometime down the line…although the release doesn’t get into specifics.

Getting excited yet?


An now, for no particular reason, here is Pink Floyd playing in a Colosseum to no one.

Filed under: cannabis, lcbo, Ontario, store, the-cannabis-store, weed