An update on Tuesday evening’s roof collapse at Auntie Jane’s restaurant.

City fire officials say the building at 725 Main East, near the overpass, remains closed under a city building department ‘unsafe building’ order.

Crews responded to the roof collapse at 6:30 pm Tuesday and confirmed there was nobody trapped inside and there were no injuries.

The building was cordoned off and utilities were secured.

There’s no confirmation of a cause of the roof collapse, but heavy snow load was suspected.

Cheryl Desrochers is a cook at Auntie Jane’s and tells BayToday right now they’re out of work, but also says this is a big blow for the restaurant’s owner.

“I really feel for her and I can’t wait until we’re all back together because we have a good family. I’ve been with her for seven years and it’s heartbreaking,” she says.

Filed under: city-of-north-bay, roof-collapse