Students from five city high schools will be out and about tonight (Wednesday) collecting non-perishable food donations.

Schools taking part include Algonquin, Odyssée, St. Joseph-Scollard Hall, West Ferris and Widdifield.

The North Bay Food Bank’s Fall Food Drive will see different parts of the city being canvassed from 4:30 pm to 8 pm.

The annual event is held to give the Food Bank’s shelves a boost.

Route details can be found on the Food Bank’s Facebook page.

Officials say October’s Food of the Month is baby food, pablum, large sized diapers and wipes; however the food bank welcomes all non-perishable food items as donations.

Not home for the food drive? Leave your donation in a clearly-marked bag on or near the doorstep.

Online donations are welcome at

Filed under: fall-food-drive, north-bay-food-bank