Several events were held in North Bay this morning to mark World Aids Day, which is coming up on Sunday.

A vigil was held with a proclamation read, followed by the red scarf project.

AIDS Committee of North Bay and Area Executive Director Stacey Mayhall says knitted red scarves tied to posts in the area for people to take.

“The scarf project is really to raise awareness, it’s something we can do that has a tactile and visible impact. We put information on the scarf so people know what International World AIDS day is,” Mayhall says.

The international theme this year is “Communities Make A Difference” and they’re connecting service providers, those who use services and the wider community.

“We really want to focus on connecting the individuals who do service provision with the people who use services and also the wider community, linking those people together and working really hard to reduce stigma and increase awareness when it comes to HIV and AIDS,” Mayhall says.

Another event is the ‘Day Without Art’, which continues through Sunday at local art galleries and tattoo studios.

Displays are set up honouring those lost in the international arts community to HIV/AIDS.

Mayhall encourages everyone to read up on what’s happening around them, to be aware, and if they feel they’re at risk for HIV or Hep C to get tested.

Point of Care testing is available through their agency.

“We want to put emphasis on ensuring that people understand that HIV, even if you are diagnosed, it’s not a death sentence, you live a long life with it. We want to encourage people to feel like their inclination to get tested and to know is a good inclination,” Mayhall says.


(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: aids-awareness-week-2019, aids-committee-of-north-bay-and-area, world-aids-day