Nipissing University has launched a new Student Emergency Fund in light of the financial hardships caused by COVID-19.

Officials say the fund will provide urgent financial assistance to students unable to cover immediate, essential expenses, including food, transportation, housing and utilities.

The fund has an initial committment of $100,000 and will continue to be a resource for students beyond the lifetime of the pandemic.

“The current pandemic has caused significant upheaval for many of our students and has impacted some students’ ability to meet their basic needs,” said Dr. Mike DeGagné, President and Vice-Chancellor, Nipissing University. “Nipissing University is ranked as one of the top undergraduate universities in Canada for our exceptional student support services and the establishment of the Student Emergency Fund is another example of how our Lakers community supports one another in times of crisis, and keeps students at the heart of what we do.”

“The Student Emergency Fund will provide welcome relief to those students who find themselves in particularly challenging circumstances and who would benefit from financial support to ensure their continued success,” said Dr. Casey Phillips, Assistant Vice-President, Students, Nipissing University. “With lost jobs and reduced income, we don’t want students to have to make difficult decisions about their education as a result of this unprecedented situation. Providing urgent financial aid is critical and we are seeking support from our extended Lakers community to assist with this goal.”

“As alumni of the University, the Board is committed to supporting students and is empathetic to the added stress, disappointment and financial hardship they are enduring,” said Mitchell Crown, Vice-President, Nipissing University Alumni Advisory Board. “We felt that there was no better way to support our future alumni than to contribute to the Student Emergency Fund to ensure that this unique set of circumstances doesn’t hold anyone back from reaching their goals. We hope this contribution inspires others in our Lakers community to contribute if they are able to do so.”

“The Student Emergency Fund provides another vehicle to help students navigate through this challenging time, enabling them to focus on their studies and overall wellbeing,” said Hannah Mackie, President, Nipissing University Student Union (NUSU). “We are grateful for the university community’s support in addressing the unique and significant challenges currently facing students.”

Students seeking relief through the Student Emergency Fund should fill out an online application at


(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: covid-19, nipissing-university