North Bay Police report a big increase in break and enters.

“Year over year we’ve had a 60 percent increase in break and enters across our community,” Chief Scott Tod tells BayToday. “I really don’t like to chalk it up to one thing or another but certainly some of it has to do with people seeking an alternate source of income and we often liken that to the drug trade.”

He says plans are in the works to combat the issue.

“We are looking at reorganizing some of our front line members in regards to a break and enter team, and putting together a compliment of officers that can go out and start to look for who is responsible,” he says.

Tod says while break and enters are up, so too are break and enter charges.

Most other crime areas were down as of the end of March, including sexual offences, assaults and drug charges.

Robberies are up year over year.

(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: north-bay-police-service