City Council in North Bay has decided not to move toward multi-year budgeting right now.

Instead it’ll be deferred to the next term of council for consideration.

Deputy Mayor and Budget Chief Tanya Vrebosch says COVID-19 has created a lot of uncertainties.

“Multi-year budgets work well when you have maybe one or two things that may come up in a year, but with the uncertainty over the next year or two, or more, it’s been decided to put forward holding off for now,” she says.

Councillor Mark King offered his support.

“There’s no question in my mind given the situation that we’re all going through and I think it’s timely on the part of the Chief Financial Officer to make that recommendation. Obviously things are very fluid and things are changing rapidly,” he says.

Staff recommended a hold on moving towards multi-year budgeting because of the onset of the pandemic in March and the continued planning and service delivery uncertainties.


(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: covid-19, north-bay-city-council