So yeah, turns out Beck isn’t a “loser” after all. He just assembled one of the GREATEST SUPERGROUPS of all time. Yes, read on …

Beck admitted recently that he refused to let Weird Al do a parody of his hit song Loser and this was regret that keeps him up at night. So when he had the chance to form his own Yacht Rock supergroup to perform a benefit concert being thrown by Judd Apatow, he jumped at the chance. One more regret was not going to sit well at all.

So who does Beck call, well Jack Black & Kyle Gass aka Tenacious D is a great start, then add Dave Grohl and the cherry on top being the one and only John C. Reilly (a personal favourite of ours here) and you’ve got an amazing cover of Seals & Crofts SUMMER BREEZE. That riff is going through your head now isn’t it!?

It was a magical moment in music history, a few were there to witness it live, but millions will say they were there.

Watch the performance below…


Filed under: beck, dave-grohl, supergroup, tenacious d, yacht-rock