Six federal MPs, including Nipissing-Timiskaming’s Anthony Rota and Nickel Belt MP Marc Serré, are calling on Francophones to unite against what they call the province’s cuts to their language rights and services.

The federal Francophone Members of Parliament are expressing shock at the province’s move last week to consolidate the French language commissioner and scrap plans for a standalone French-language university.

They say it’s their duty to ”denounce this unacceptable action.”


Here is the text of the full statement:

GREATER SUDBURY – We are extremely shocked to learn that services and rights of Ontario’s Francophones have been cut by the Conservative government of Ontario.

As elected representatives and as Franco-Ontarians it is our duty to denounce this unacceptable action.

We must defend Francophone communities and institutions and mobilize the more than 640,000 Franco-Ontarians and Francophones living in Ontario to join us as we resist cuts to our language rights and services.

Our Francophone communities are strong. We have a proud legacy of contributing to the province’s prosperity.

As Francophones, it is time to unite against these decisions and tell the province they must not take us for granted.

In this debate, the Federal Conservatives are absent. Why? Because they have a long history of drastic cuts during their time in office, including axing in the Court Challenges Program. When will they finally support our language and communities?

Francis Drouin, MP Glengarry Prescott-Russell
Mona Fortier, MP Ottawa-Vanier
Paul Lefebvre, MP Sudbury
Andrew Leslie, MP Orléans
Anthony Rota, MP Nipissing-Timiskaming
Marc Serré, MP Nickel Belt

Photo courtesy

Filed under: nickel-belt-mp-marc-serre, nipissing-timiskaming-mp-anthony-rota