Forgette  - 2 Removal of fluoride or removal of two Councillors?

That was a question Matthew Sookram asked Deputy Mayor Sheldon Forgette on this mornings Council Capsule.

Both were recent issues at Council and both had savings of $50,000 in future budgets. Sookram asked Forgette which seems more practical to happen, and he says he personally wasn’t in support of either. There have been some preliminary budget discussions to this point, including Forgette’s committee of General Government.He says they had good discussions on Monday and actually started with a negative number. But he says right now there are sitting at an increase of 0.74% because they are adding a second city solicitor. Forgette says that committee is also going to recall the hydro loans which is sitting at over $20-million  at a high interest rate. He says that will help balance the budget over the next four years while also paying off the debt at the hospital. Meantime, there was also a discussion on the Airport Industrial Community Improvement Plan. Forgette says this is a plan that would essentially give a tax break to new or existing businesses to move to the Airport Business Park. He was asked if there could be new businesses opening up in the near future. For a full recap of this morning’s Council Capsule click below