There’s a $12 million increase in the Capital Budget this year. This is because of two major projects: the Cassellholme re-development and the new Community Centre.

Chair of Community Services Councillor Johanne Brousseau says $4 million will be spent on the community centre project next year and it all starts with an open house where there will be an early look at the project.

“We will have a concept of a community centre and that means some diagrams. The architects are looking for public input and they want to know what people’s needs are and what they would like to see,” she says.

She says the architect will be presenting to council on the same night at committee on what’s been done to date.

Brousseau says there has already been a meeting with stakeholders.

“They asked lots of questions. These guys have done lots of community centres. The stakeholders detailed the need of why they need what they’re asking and the meeting was very positive,” she says.

Brousseau says the conceptual drawing will come after the open house and the public will get another chance to comment before its finalized.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: city-of-north-bay-capital-budget, community-centre, open-house