


Laurentian Ski Hill is the site once again for The Conquer The Ridge Endurance Challenge.

It goes next Saturday and organizers say it’ll be a little more challenging this year with an all new course and lots of mud.

City Police Cst. Merv Shantz says funds raised from this event once again will support Special Olympics Ontario.

He says an event like this is a good fit for Special Olympics.

Shantz says it’ll show Special Olympians that people care about them and they want to raise awareness and funds for them.

He says other events they have include the Polar Plunge in the winter and the Law Enforcement Torch Run.

Shantz says last year they raised 12 Thousand Dollars and he says there’s no reason to believe they won’t surpass that amount this year as it promises to be a bigger and better event.

He says there is a competitive challenge for those who take part but a little more relaxing division as well.

Shantz says for registration and event information go to