Just in case you’ve been patiently awaiting new music from the Metallica vault… you might NOT want to hold your breath. It’s been 7 years since 2008’s Death Magnetic and we might have to wait a bit longer after Metallica guitarist Kirk Hammett lost his phone with what he says were about 250 riffs and songs on it. NO PROBLEM, Kirk is a smart guy… he obviously backed up the songs right? Wrong!
Kirk said he’s pretty bummed out about the whole situation it in an interview with Rolling Stone this week “I just plain lost it. I’m still looking for it to this day. It still might turn up. I’m hoping it will. To try to remember those riffs? I can only remember, like, eight of ’em. So I just chalked it down to maybe it just wasn’t meant to be and I’ll just move forward with it.”
At last check, Metallica were about 30% finished their new album which might get pushed back a bit after this incident.