City Hall  genericThe City of North Bay has maintained it’s Aa2 credit rating once again, with a stable outlook with Moody’s Investor Service. 

Their latest report says the rating is reflective of “prudent fiscal planning and stable operations” as well as North Bay’s diverse economy. 

The report recognizes the Mayor’s 2016 budget plan “allows the City the opportunity to continue to operate on a consistent basis with reasonable property tax levy increase for the next three years”. 

In a release, Mayor Al McDonald says, “At the time of introducing the plan, I recognized that it was only a starting point for the City and Council is working on a number of initiatives, including the development of a long term financial plan, to deal with the pressures on a longer term basis.”

Meantime, phase two of the city’s partnership with Baylor University starts on Monday. 

This after the success of the phase one community-wide survey.

A team of 19 graduate students will now analyze and identify strategic priorities for North Bay and the region.

The goal of the partnership is to create long-term economic development for the city.