Nipissing-Temiskaming MP Anthony Rota says there were a lot of accomplishments in 2017, including the fact the country turned 150.

He says one of the significant accomplishments was the government’s child benefit.

“Almost 18,000 children in the riding each received up to $6,400 a year to help parents raise them,” Rota says.

He says that brought in $59-million into the riding.

Rota also says there were major infrastructure announcements.

“We saw improvements to public transit, water and waste water systems and our airport in North Bay. That was one of the big ones that really does make a difference for a community this size,” he says.

Nipissing University also received several research grants, which will help the post-secondary school’s research reputation.

Rota says they also announced federal funds to finance a post-production facility at Canadore.

Overall, FedNor funding has been increased by $25 million over the next 5 years and that will have a positive impact too.

2018 will be about keeping the economic momentum going in Nipissing-Temiskaming.

He says there have been a lot of positives over the last couple of years and it’s important that continues.

“We want make sure it stays strong and keeps providing the jobs that we’ve created. And making sure the money is well taken care of as we’re spending it,” Rota says.

He also says he was honoured to be in the speakers chair when the Anishinabek Education System was debated and then passed into law.

23 First Nations are impacted including Nipissing First Nation.

Filed under: mp-anthony-rota, nipissing-timiskaming